Lexile: 1090L


Core Art Standards:

VA6: Convey meaning through the presentation of artistic work.

VA7: Perceive and analyze artistic work.

VA10: Synthesize knowledge and experiences to make art.


CCSS Anchor Standards:

R1: Make inferences and cite textual evidence.

R2: Determine central themes and summarize.

R3: Analyze ideas and sequence events.


Essential Question: How does the presenting and sharing of artworks influence and shape ideas, beliefs, and experiences?


Enduring Understanding: Artworks communicate meaning and a record of social, cultural, and political experiences resulting in the cultivating of appreciation and understanding.


Vocabulary: commissioned, graphic


Materials: computer or interactive whiteboard, “Graphic Organizer: Working With Pattern” skills sheets from Lesson Plans 1 and 2.

Lesson: Infinite Influence

Use with pages 8-9.

Objective: Students will consider how social media has transformed fine art.


Review students’ notes from their “Graphic Organizer: Working With Pattern” skills sheets.


  1. As a class, read “Infinite Influence.” Have students observe the featured artworks closely.
  2. Ask: How does Yayoi Kusama work with pattern in these artworks? (The storefront mimics an installation and features motifs and accessories covered in polka dots; the balloon includes tentacle-like forms covered in dots; the Infinity Room features clusters of spheres—resembling three-dimensional polka dots—reflected in mirrors.)
  3. Discuss the role of social media in Kusama’s popularity. Ask: Who gets to experience each of the featured works and how? (Anyone on the street can see the storefront window, but only some can purchase the items for sale in the store; anyone can watch the parade on television; only those who live near or travel to a city where Kusama’s work is on display can experience an Infinity Room in person, but anyone one social media can see photos of these installations.)
  4. Have students record their findings in their “Graphic Organizer: Working With Pattern” skills sheets.


  • How are these works “art experiences”? (The storefront window recreates an installation, inviting viewers to stop and observe the artwork; millions of viewers see the balloon as part of a parade; viewers become part of the artwork in the Infinity Room.)
  • Compare the storefront window and the parade balloon. What do you notice? (Answers will vary but should mention the common usage of a polka-dot pattern and a tentacle motif.)
  • Compare these works with the others by Kusama in this issue. What do you notice? (Answers will vary but should refer to the images and text.)


  • Design a parade balloon that features patterns.
  • Write a few sentences or a short paragraph about Kusama’s ideas and her= interactive art. How is her art different from traditional art that you see in museums?
  • Imagine you are collaborating with a favorite brand or designer to create a storefront window. Sketch a design for the display.


  • Read aloud this Lesson Plan’s Objective. Ask: How has social media transformed fine art?

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