Schulz was born in Minneapolis, Minnesota, on November 26, 1922. As a child, Schulz loved his dog Spike, comic strips, and drawing. These three things later inspired him to create “Peanuts.”
In the strip above, Schulz fills the first panel with a simple image of Charlie Brown sitting on a chair, with his dog Snoopy nearby. The speech balloons tell us that he is inviting Snoopy to go for a walk.
In the second panel, the chair is gone. In the space between panels, or gutter, time has passed and the characters have moved. Schulz shows Snoopy’s excitement by drawing him in a vertical position, with upright ears and movement lines that indicate he is jumping up and down.
In the third panel, Schulz sets up the punch line that will come in the fourth panel. Charlie Brown thinks of Snoopy as a regular dog, but Snoopy has other ideas. Much of Schulz’s humor comes from taking a familiar situation and twisting it into an unexpected one. Snoopy is a humorous character because he is a dog that acts like a human being.